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ETSI Plugtest event to be held at IPv6 Summit, May 2003
Posted by: istadmin on Sunday, April 13, 2003 - 05:57 PM
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ETSI has been organizing IPv6 “physical” interoperability events for three years. A fourth event is due in September 2003.

While a high value is quoted by participants for such events, a need for a remote event involving several geographical locations was also suggested. This was seen as a cost saving in travelling while still bringing limited but valuable feedback to the community.
ETSI with partners in Spain, Belgium, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and USA invited you to take part in this event from 12 to 14 May 2003 running in parallel with the Madrid IPv6 Global Summit. A video conferencing system will be put in place allowing coordination and reducing distances between participants. For more details, see the ETSI site.