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DRiVE project overview
Posted by: istadmin on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 05:35 PM
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The European research project DRiVE (Dynamic Radio for IP Services in Vehicular Environments) aims at enabling spectrum-efficient high-quality wireless IP in a heterogeneous multi-radio environment to deliver in-vehicle multimedia services. DRiVE addresses this objective on three system levels: (1) The project investigates methods for the coexistence of different radio systems in a common frequency range with dynamic spectrum allocation. (2) DRiVE develops an IPv6-based mobile infrastructure that ensures the optimised inter-working of different radio systems (GSM, GPRS, UMTS, DAB, DVB-T) utilising new dynamic spectrum allocation schemes and new traffic control mechanisms. (3) Furthermore, the project designs location dependent services that adapt to the varying conditions of the underlying multi-radio environment.
The DRiVE project addresses the convergence of cellular and broadcast networks. It aims at laying the foundation for broadband in-vehicle multimedia services. This is facilitated by an architecture that enables spectrum-efficient high quality wireless IP. The key innovation of DRiVE is the distribution of IP packet streams over the best suitable radio link in a heterogeneous multi radio environment. In such an environment different radio technologies co-operate in a common dynamically shared frequency range. This will allow a faster penetration of new radio technologies and a more market oriented usage of the available spectrum.