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Harmonics project overview
Posted by: istadmin on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 05:49 PM
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A common dynamically reconfigurable fibre infrastructure is proposed, deploying flexible wavelength routing integrated with flexible time slot allocation in a new Medium Access Control protocol. This infrastructure feeds various last mile access networks, and provides capacity on demand while accounting for Quality of Service requirements of user traffic. An adaptive resource manager supports the MAC protocol, and aligns traffic flows with core and last-mile network capabilities. Both a wireless HIPERLAN2 and a twisted-pair VDSL user access network enabling QoS-differentiated IP traffic will be set up. Novel optical modules will be developed, such as a fast flexible wavelength router.
The results of architecture studies and techno-economic analyses will be fed into consensus building activities and standardisation bodies. After being validated in laboratory trials, the system will be operated in a field trial with real users and IP-based QoS-sensitive services.